Keller Williams Realty - Tim Allums
Licenca št.: TX 634022 - TX / Realtor®- Listing Specialist ob Tim Allums
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Born into a family whose Texas roots date back to the mid-1850s, Tim has had the good fortune of growing up with a father who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and experiencing the military lifestyle. After living all over the U.S. and Europe, his father’s last military assignment before retiring brought the family back to San Antonio in 1985. San Antonio is still the place Tim’s parents call home.

After graduating from Judson HS in 1986, Tim worked full-time to pay his way through college and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from UTSA. Having been in professional sales his entire career across various industries, Tim’s keen business insight and sharp analytical and negotiating skills allow him to serve his clients well. While any agent can list a house for sale, very few Realtors ® can claim the skills and experience that Tim possesses.

In addition to decades of experience in the art of negotiation, Tim has the communication skills to converse easily with anyone from GED to PhD.

With many years of experience doing his own construction and remodeling projects on properties held in his portfolio, the skills drawn from those experiences enable Tim to help those clients (with properties in less than ideal shape) determine whether a higher net might be obtained from reconditioning (finances permitting), or if it’s best to sell “as-is.”

Tim’s wife, Becky, is also a licensed Realtor ® and is the business manager and transaction coordinator for CREST. In their leisure time, Tim and Becky enjoy traveling, friends, Bacon Cheeseburgers and BBQ, family outings, boating, and attending car shows.

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A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Tim Allums
Licenca št.: TX 634022
Tim Allums

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Keller Williams Realty
1717 N Loop 1604 E San Antonio,TX 78232

Tim Allums
Realtor®- Listing Specialist TX 634022
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